Search Results
Vera Khokhlova - Boiling histotripsy for mechanical ablation of prostate tissue (2018)
53 Vera Khokhlova USA Boiling histotripsy for focal therapy
Vera Khokhlova - A Prototype System for Boiling Histotripsy in Abdominal Targets (2020)
Tanya Khokhlova - Boiling histotripsy liquefaction of large extravascular hematomas (2018)
Mechanical Tissue Ablation with Focused Ultrasound: Clinical Applications
Khokhlova - Transcutaneous boiling histotripsy ablation of kidney in an in vivo porcine model (2016)
mechanical tissue ablation with focused ultrasound: methods, mechanisms + instruments
Boiling Histrotipsy for Focal Therapy in Prostate
GBM Workshop 2021 – Histotripsy
Schade - The immune response to Boiling histotripsy ablation of renal carcinoma (2016)
Histotripsy How it Works ?
Korean researchers develop mathematical model for tumor removal by high-intensity ultrasound